Sandrainstrasse 3
CH-3007 Bern -
T +41 (0)31 381
15 05 (general)
T +41 (0)31 381 15 41 (digitisation, Mon-Thu) -
- Pick-up and drop-off of material possible from Monday to Friday between 13.30h and 16.30h
Member of FIAF and ACE
PC 30-232854-3
IBAN CH83 0900 0000 3023 2854 3, BIC POFICHBEXXX
CHE-112.517.658 MWST
Location Plan

Accessibility and inclusion
The Lichtpiel is a low treshold, inclusive place to meet and to discover films, cinema history and cinematographic culture in general. We are open to receive interested people with different needs, disabilities and capabilities. Our rooms are wheelchair accessible and an hearing induction loop system is available.
For more information see
Procap Zugangsmonitor
Kultur inklusiv.
Arrival by public transport
- Tramway 9 (Direction Wabern) to Sulgenau
- after 8 pm, Bus No. 30 from Dampfzentrale in direction of the Main Station
Arrival by car
- Next to Dampfzentrale
- Parking lots at Marzili or Sandrainstrasse